Our large team of anatomical pathologists, technologists and technicians, with vast amounts of experience offers a diagnostic and consultative service on a number of tissue samples including biopsies and resection specimens.
The diagnostic services are rendered on vast array of disease processes including infectious diseases, inflammatory skin conditions, lung and renal disorders as well as cancers.
Routine histology is offered as well as intraoperative consultation in specialised cases.
Ancillary techniques such as immunohistochemistry, In situ hybridisation and molecular techniques form part of the tools utilised in the improving diagnostic accuracy.
Our pathologists offer a consultative service to neighbouring countries including Botswana, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Uganda and Mozambique, among others.
Participation in multidisciplinary meetings and cancer forums ensures that our pathologists are in constant contact with treating physicians and offer a cutting edge clinically relevant diagnostic service.